> >
> > My wget client checks for a newer file, or did I miss your point?
> wget "cheats".  It issues a "HEAD" command, and checks the timestamp.
> If it turns out that it needs the file, then it issues a 
> "GET" command for it.
> This obviously saves downloading the file multiple times, but 
> it means two separate HTTP requests if the file has changed 
> instead of one single "GET If-Modified-Since".
> > wget -N http://www.merchantsoverseas.com/wwwroot/gorilla/bigevil.cf
> > --12:39:36--  
> http://www.merchantsoverseas.com/wwwroot/gorilla/bigevil.cf
> >            => `bigevil.cf'
> > Resolving www.merchantsoverseas.com... done.
> > Connecting to 
> www.merchantsoverseas.com[]:80... connected.
> > HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> The clue is the "200 OK" message.  If If-Modified-Since was 
> being employed, the return code would have been "304 Not Modified".
> The overhead of this probably doesn't matter on this scale, though.
> Martin

Cool.  Thanks for the explination.


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