On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 04:55:08PM -0500, Damian Gerow wrote:
> Thus spake Rocky Olsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [15/01/04 16:37]:
> > I too would greatly appreciate any information - as we have 9 boxes
> > doing Spam scanning. Anyone tried this?
> We've got four..  And I'm going to insert yet another shameless plug for the
> SQL rewrite for the Bayes code that's currently sitting in a bug report.
> 'Tis definitely multi-host safe, and 'twould make my life easier...


To be exact.  I encourage folks who are interested in this sort of
thing to try it out.  It will require a checkout from the new
Subversion repository and you'll want to watch the bug for any patch

I'm especially interested to hear peoples experiences with the code
against database servers other than MySQL and obviously any problems
you encounter with the code.

I know Justin is very interested in getting this folded into the code,
I imagine an "all clear" report from several folks would help that
process along.


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