Kelson Vibber wrote:
> At 02:09 AM 1/14/2004, Maxime Ritter wrote:
>>I wrote some new habeas rules, which take care of the recents
>>Habeas forgery :
> I did something similar, except that instead of redefining the HABEAS_SWE
> rule, I created an offset, and I focused on the URLs rather than the
> boundaries.
> The name has the added advantage that anything looking for HABEAS_VIOLATOR
> in the list of rules tripped will trigger on this rule as well.

HABEAS_VIOLATOR doesn't need HABEAS_SWE to be positive ; I have seen some 
spams which matched HABEAS_VIOLATOR without been tagged by HABEAS_SWE:

X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=35.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_99,BIZ_TLD,                     
        autolearn=spam version=2.61           

But with my approach, the spammer can buy a new domain name as often 
as he wants... 

Maxime Ritter

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