You could also do something a little different... They can create client
caches.  Think about local DNS caching servers.  Apply the same concept
here and you would find that the load, though great at first, wouldn't
be so bad.

But $750,000 on the low end still isn't bad.  As a small ISP it's
something that I can't afford (because if I did I'd be retired by now).
It's also called the cost of doing business.  What does the company do
with the money they are paid with right now?   They have a couple full
time attorneys (maybe) and some sales people.

Not to say it's is easy but it is doable. 

But then again, like every organization, politics usually play too much
of a role to accomplish what was proposed anyways.

Gary Smith


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:00 AM
To: Cahya Wirawan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] unfakeable Habeas watermark?

Yes, it is theoretically possible to do what you suggest..

The first drawback is resources...Habeas would have a fairly heavy-duty 
server to generate and validate the signatures..

CPU time might be cheap on a single-user machine, but when you're
about global scales, a little bit of extra cpu time per message adds up
a LOT of cpu time.

A modest server can do kerberos for a university campus, however try to 
scale that from 50,000 people to 50 million or so. You're talking a
of 1000 in terms of increased load.

Let's be generous and assume you can get 10-fold the performance by
it a "high end" quad processor system instead of a "modest" system. You 
still need 100 of them to take care of the factor of 1,000 load
not to mention some added equipment to load-balance all those machines.

So you need 100 quad-cpu high-end systems, and some added load-balancing

hardware.. assuming about $5,000 for the quad CPU boxes, and about $30k
the load balancer you're talking a hardware budget of $530,000. Add
for facilities, racks to mount it in, power conditioning, etc and you're

probably looking at a project costing about $750,000 on the low-end, and

could easily go up to a couple million.

Sure habeas could cause the service to be less heavily used and recoup
of their cost by charging you $0.50 every time you generated a warrant 
mark, but that'd make the service unpopular and it would collapse.
want's to pay per-message to prove they're not a crook.

It make be naive (note the e) to assume that habeas can find and sue 
everyone that abuses their mark, but it's also naive to assume that CPU 
time is free or cheap when serving a global market.

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