Liu Shuai wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to set up a system wide cron job that deletes old (2 weeks maybe)
> tagged spam from each user's
> spam folder, but I am not sure how.
> Does anybody here has a script that does similar job that I can use as a
> reference? If not, can some one
> give me some direction? I assume I need a parser that will parse each user's
> spam folder so that I can
> retrieve the date of each message?
> Any suggestion will be appreciated.

I've got a set of procmail routines for this, but they're triggered
based on a counter -- I think less processing when testing for archiving

Some explaination is at:

And the routines can be downloaded at:

If they are not what you need, they may be a starting point.

Probably don't want to get to far off topic on this -- that is, "to
procmail or not to procmail" may raise more questions, than answers. 
But according to a little googling, exim, cpanel, and procmail, are
uncontraversially do-able:


> LS
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The trick is to fall and miss the ground. This happens only when someone
falls and becomes so preoccupied with something else that they forget
that they are falling, and therefore are no longer doing it. Flying is
just a permanent state of falling, minus the hitting the ground part. -
Douglas Adams

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