On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Gary Funck wrote:
> Alternatively, offer a max count and pattern. The actual count would be
> expressed as a percentage of the maximum, and this would be multiplied
> by the score......

Actually, this is what I said we did *not* want when I said a 'straight
multiplier' would be a bad idea. The whole point is that low counts of a
particular string need to score ZERO. So perhaps a *minimum* count,
and a multiplier that *starts* at that count, would work. But I think
having specific scores for a range of counts is more flexible.
To get the effect of a multiplier, all you would do is specify (presuming
a 'minimum' count of 5 matches not counted):

score RULENAME (6:0.2,8:0.4,10:0.6,12:0.8,14:1.0)

Of course, specifying it this way, also allows non-linear scoring.
So we could make the score for 14 matches much higher, assuming that amny
obfuscations clearly only happens in spam.....

- Charles

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