> - It is written in python ;-).  I'm not a perl bigot, but calling
> spamassassin or spamc from python has got to be slower than using the
> Mail::SpamAssassin class directly.  

You run it as a background job, so the amount of time taken is
almost invisible.  On the other hand, feel free to back up
your intuition with real numbers :-)  My best guess is that 
the individual tests in SA are what takes the longest amount
of time.  Worst case I could just multithread isbg :-)

> - If a mail message is spam and you want the spam report included (which
> I do), it runs the mail message through SA twice.  Ouch.

Yup.  The first run requests SA return the moment the message hits the
threshold.  If you don't want the report, then isbg can move the
message on the IMAP server from your Inbox to the Spam folder which
is most efficient.  If you do want the report, then the whole message
with report has to be re-uploaded to the Spam folder.  The
current scheme is a reasonable compromise between doing the least
amount of work necessary for people on slow network connections,
and those who want all the details.  Feel free to submit a patch :-)


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