At 09:55 AM 12/9/2003, you wrote:
--On Tuesday, December 09, 2003 12:33 PM -0500 "Thomas Shoaf (PromoStep)"

> I am looking more of a web-based utility that our staff can use internally
> where most of our staff does not have access to the server, much less
> command-line access.

Which would be useless, because your SpamAssassin score is also generated
from header information, not just the body...

Well, not totally useless. You could disable all the header checks, which would at least allow the staff to optimize the body content. Also, you could generate sample header information (you would need to update it periodically for accuracy) for each body before you feed it to SA.

I think a good solution would be for you to create a test domain (i.e. and point it to the SA server. Let SA do its thing and then deliver the email to your staff. (You could even make this a default for all your outgoing mail, so that every message your staff sends is CC'd to the SA server for later review.) Modify any good webmail app to read from the SA server and show full headers, potentially parsing the SA headers to provide advice/explanation.


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