At 08:38 AM 12/9/03 -0500, Bill wrote:
Now that the name SpamAssassin is getting to be known as the premier product
on the market you can be sure they are going to start using the name on a
commercial product. I also expect to see them sue the open-source developers
in the near future over the name. They are well known for their dirty tricks
and questionable business practices. I hope the developers have good
lawyers, McAfee has deep pockets and likes to sue.


Would you people please get some facts prior to posting senseless blather.

Did you not notice my merely "statement of fact" tone, with no paranoia or concern over the issue?

This isn't a major grab, and it's the way things have been. The absolute worst thing McAfee can EVER do is force SA to stop using the name. Even that might be prohibited by a contract (Justin has implied some "working with Deersoft" to make that impossible long ago, sounds like contractual stuff to me).

So, for those of you that don't know the history of SA:

SA was first started in 2001 by Justin Mason. Justin Mason, Craig Huges and others key SA figures started Deersoft to create a "shrink-wrap" product for the less sophisticated windows users that would be a basic "pop a CD in and it integrates into outlook" type product.

The assignment of the trademark to deersoft was done via Craig with Justin's cooperation. (You might want to read a lot of this thread to see various views by various people)

These same people chose to sell Deersoft to NAI.

These same people now work for NAI, and still work on SA.

And it's all been fine so far. (since early this year).

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