Rich H. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Now the boring questions. > Has anyone on this list successfully written a .procmailrc file that > will delete all tagged spam (send to /dev/null)? I don't enable SA > for all of my users only a few, and have been watching the email that > is getting tagged as spam and happy to report it does a great job, > only one false positive to date. That was out of loads of mail > passing through.
Attached is my .procmailrc. Note that the only think I send to /dev/null is the messages that SA autolearns (ie. has a really high score without Bayes). The other messages I put into 1 of 2 folders: * Probable - for those messages scoring between 5 (my min score for spam) and 9 * Spam - for those messages scoring between 9 and 15 (15 is the autolearn cutoff). I peruse the Probable folder for false positives - I get about 1 every other week. Those that really are spam, I manually move from Probable to Spam. I then run sa-learn --mbox --spam mail/Spam then nuke the contents. -- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Chris Barnes AOL IM: CNBarnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo IM: chrisnbarnes Computer Systems Manager ph: 979-845-7801 Department of Physics fax: 979-845-2590 Texas A&M University begin 666 .procmailrc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`` ` end ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Giveback Program. Does help you be more productive? Does it help you create better code? SHARE THE LOVE, and help us help YOU! Click Here: _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]