Hello all,
First off let me get the Really Important stuff out
of the way, the flattery.
You guys are doing a truly bang up job with SA. I
think the whole world should be using it so we could put spammers out of
Now the boring questions.
Has anyone on this list successfully written a
.procmailrc file that will delete all tagged spam (send to /dev/null)? I don't
enable SA for all of my users only a few, and have been watching the email that
is getting tagged as spam and happy to report it does a great job, only one
false positive to date. That was out of loads of mail passing
- [SAtalk] delete spam Bill Omer
- Re: [SAtalk] delete spam Justin R. Miller
- Re: [SAtalk] Delete Spam Rich H.
- Re: [SAtalk] Delete Spam mailinglists
- [SAtalk] tuning time Dan
- Re: [SAtalk] tuning time Casper Gasper
- [SAtalk] Re: Delete Spam Chris Barnes
- [SAtalk] Delete SPAM Andrew Cranson
- Re: [SAtalk] Delete SPAM Evan Platt
- Re: [SAtalk] Delete SPAM Steve Thomas