At 06:44 AM 11/26/2003, Nick Tong wrote:
Now I am very new to S.A so please excuse my ignorance.  I'm would like
to use S.A but I can't seam to find a plug-in or similar application
that will allow me to run on windows.  I don't have a Unix box so I
can't test it at all.  Does it need to run on unix due to MimeDeFang?

SA can, theoretically, be run on a windows box.. And SA does NOT require mimedefang.. Mimedefang is just one of the many programs that can call SA and make use of it.

You might want to read

If you're just using a mail client as an end user on windows, you might want to look at saproxy.. It seems to have been reborn as a commercial piece of software called "saproxy pro" but many people have had a good experience with saproxy.

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