On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:01:24PM -0500, Larry Gilson wrote:
> I am running Postfix with SA, Procmail, and Webmin on Red Hat 8.0.  I want
> to move away from RH and am soliciting opinions.  I figure that for me, I
> have 3 viable choices: FreeBSD, Debian, and Slackware.  I want a free OS so
> I don't want to use SuSE, Mandrake, or the like.  Nothing against the
> distros but I just want a free OS.  If anyone would care to take a little
> time to provide an opinion, I would really be appreciative.  I am most
> interested in a free OS that is stable, fairly easy to maintain, has some
> method for duplication on multiple hosts (thinking of RH Kickstart), fair
> response to security updates, and of course good access for
> SA/Postfix/Webmin updates.  I have never used any of the BSD family so I
> would appreciate an understanding of learning curve.  I know this is a lot
> of input needed and maybe more than most are willing to respond to so
> whatever you can provide for input would be great!

I'd highly recommend FreeBSD. The ports collection will make your life
easier, particularly in comparison with RPMs. I use FreeBSD with
Sendmail/MIMEDefang/SpamAssassin, and it works wonderfully. It's also a
fast install, so we just maintain two machines with an identical
configuration manually. Not an ideal solution, but it works for us.

-- Skylar Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- http://www.cs.earlham.edu/~skylar/

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