I am running Postfix with SA, Procmail, and Webmin on Red Hat 8.0.  I want
to move away from RH and am soliciting opinions.  I figure that for me, I
have 3 viable choices: FreeBSD, Debian, and Slackware.  I want a free OS so
I don't want to use SuSE, Mandrake, or the like.  Nothing against the
distros but I just want a free OS.  If anyone would care to take a little
time to provide an opinion, I would really be appreciative.  I am most
interested in a free OS that is stable, fairly easy to maintain, has some
method for duplication on multiple hosts (thinking of RH Kickstart), fair
response to security updates, and of course good access for
SA/Postfix/Webmin updates.  I have never used any of the BSD family so I
would appreciate an understanding of learning curve.  I know this is a lot
of input needed and maybe more than most are willing to respond to so
whatever you can provide for input would be great!



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