> > I'm trying to optimize my MIMEDefang milter and reject the whole message
> even
> > before it is received and scanned with SpamAssassin. My question is:
> > Is there a function in Mail::Spamassassin perl module which I can use to
> > determine if specific host or IP address listed in any (of particular)
> > And a function to determine if received HELO string is faked?
> >
> You say "MIMEDefang milter" which I take to indicate that you're using
> sendmail as your MTA. Sendmail has a built-in ability to use DNSBL and
> access databases to enable spam control based upon hostname & IP
> addresses.
> Check your sendmail config documentation (the 'cf/README' file)
> for the 'dnsbl' and 'access_db' features.
Thank you for the suggestion. I'm aware about dnsbl feature of sendmail. The
reason I want to put dnsbl checks to MIMEDefang is that I'll have my web based
mail server admin interface and it is much easies to disable or enable all or
any of Block Lists using MIMEDefang. (The configuration options will be stored
in PGSQL database and MIMEDafang will use/not use specific Block Lists
according these options).
> Of course, basing your entire decision on a DNSBL is heavy-handed and
> defeats the idea of SA not using any single criteria to mark a message as
> spam.
> OTOH, if the objective is to reduce cost of the server, you could use
> MIMEDefang to do only DNSBL checks on mail above some size, on the
> assumption that it's an acceptable expense to run SA on small messages
That's my idea: to let mail administrator decide when message must be
bounced/rejected: if it's listed in at least 1 (or 2,3,4,5....) Block Lists and
(or) it has faked HELO string. That's impossible with sendmail's dnsbl feature,
but can be easily done in MIMEDefang (using Spamassassin functions). And, of
course, I want to reduce mail server load and traffic by checking Relay IP
Address against Block Lists and if HELO string is faked. But I still want to
use Spamassassin scans if dnsbl and faked HELO string don't trigges options set
by mail administrator.
As you can see I'm trying to make SPAM filtering as flexible and efficient as
it can be decided by particular mail administrator. Some mail admins might
accept messages scored with Spamassassin more that 20 points, while others
bouncing any message containing any king of attachments (including HTML).
I think I did clear explanation why I want to use specific Spamassassin
functions in my MIMEDefang milter.
So, please, let me know if there are such functions in Mail::Spamassassin perl
module, and what's the best way to use them from within MIMEDefang milter.
Thank you againg for trying to help me!
Dmitry Sorokin
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