Maarten J H van den Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> List 1:
> score ALL_CAP_PORN 0.650 0.669 0 0
> score PENIS_ENLARGE2 0.500 0.590 0 0.501
> score UPPERCASE_50_75 0.794 1.137 0 0
> score V+AG+A_ONLINE 1.100 1.101 3.151 4.056
> If it were up to me, I'd say that giving only half a point to a mail that 
> scores PENIS_ENLARGE2 is...  well, ludicrous.  Let's not kid ourselves. 
> IF there are people who participate on a genuine mailinglist that 
> discusses penis enlargement, let the burden fall on them to put those 
> adresses in their whitelist, not the reverse.

Have you looked carefully at those tests, rather than just 
reading their names and making assumptions?

ALL_CAP_PORN, for example, matches "SUMMA CUM LAUDE" or

Messages sent by one of my users have triggered PENIS_ENLARGE 
and PENIS_ENLARGE2.  The offending phrases were these:

    "According to one study, tobacco use within five years of a
    woman beginning her period appears to increase her risk of
    developing breast cancer" 

    "I tell patients who are concerned about breast cancer to
    get an annual mammogram, increase their physical activity
    and, if they smoke, quit smoking."

    "Breast cancer patients treated with lumpectomy and
    radiation survive longer if they don't smoke."

And I've had several recent nonspam messages that triggered 
UPPERCASE rules.  One had a tab-separated text file attached 
containing a table from a database in which all the text was 

Rules almost always match messages you didn't intend them to 
match.  That's one reason why it's almost always a bad idea to 
assign a large score to any single rule.

Washington, DC

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