On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, Marcos A. Pendas wrote:
> Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. Please make sure,
>          your pod2man program is in your PATH before you execute 'make'
> First off, pod2man is installed:
> /usr/bin/pod2man
> Any ideas on how to fix this?

Weird as this sounds, symlink it to the *first* directory in your path.
In your case:

ln -s /usr/bin/pod2mna /usr/local/bin/pod2man

I had a similar bug occur one time on a solaris 'make' of 'amanda', when
it couldn't find my gcc compiler until I pulled the above trick. Don't ask
why this works (if it does this time). The script looked like it should
handle the whole path properly...... Like I said: "Weird"...... :-)

- Charles

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