Rumor has it that Stewart, John may have mentioned these words:
One thing that might be very useful is for every email coming through that
is scanned, to log not only the spam level (which is already done with
amavisd-new, and I would assume for those using spamd) but the previous hop
of the SMTP servers that email traversed.

Altho not thru SA, I created a set of programs that scan my qmail queue for doublebounces & whatnot, scan the headers of normal messages and/or doublebounces & log the IP addresses into a postgresql database.

Other programs can scan this database & spit out an /etc/tcp.smtp file based on this to block spams at the SMTP level...

Dunno how well it would fit for you, but it might be a start...

[[ most of the proggies are written in non-OO perl, but I'm becoming *very* fond of Python... ;-) ]]

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Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers

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