> >
> >i disabled both and now dont have any problems.  spamd badly needs a 
> >child timeout setting.  and awl and bayes need RDMBS support so each 
> >request doesnt have to lock the db's... except on inserts of which 
> >row-level locking might be an option.
> When you say you "disabled" bayes locking, are you refering to using 
> 'bayes_learn_to_journal 1' ?

i didnt say i disabled bayes locking, i said i disabled bayes in

having learning to journal enabled will allow bayes to lock a much
smaller file, and then combine the journal to the _toks once a day (or
the limit you specify).  this greatly helps with locking issues because
you are tie-ing to a much smaller file, which is much faster.  on a busy
server you can still run into a few problems with it though.  

AWL was probably the biggest problem out of the two, because it has no
expiry feature, and grows uncontrollably.  last i looked before shutting
it off, mine was sitting at 120mb.  tie-ing to that a couple times a
second caused big loads and timeouts on my spamc's because the spamd
child was sitting there waiting on a lock.


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