> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel M. Drucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 2:24 PM
> Subject: [SAtalk] child spamds sitting around forever
> (Running 2.60)
> I'm having a problem where sometimes I end up with dozens of 
> spamds taking 100% CPU, driving my load average up to 50 or so.
> Anyone else see this?

quite often yes.  when you have high traffic and a global bayes or
global awl, locking can become the problem.

for me, it was

1) bayes locking.
2) auto-whitelist locking.

i disabled both and now dont have any problems.  spamd badly needs a
child timeout setting.  and awl and bayes need RDMBS support so each
request doesnt have to lock the db's... except on inserts of which
row-level locking might be an option.


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