I run an redhat 8x system and installed SA the other day via CPAN. I didn't
know what CPAN was at the time but it was the only obvious installation
instructions I could find, so I followed them and it all seems to be working

Now as I look more closely at CPAN I now see it's a perl replacement (or at
least I think it is) for the RPM method. Bearing in mind the comments on
whether or not RH will release another non-commerical version, I'm wondering
if sticking with the CPAN installation is a better idea than pulling
everything out and going back to compiling my own RPM and installing that

This is probably an open question but I'm wondering what others opinions

I'm not sure I like having two completely different software distribution
mechanisms on my machine, but I'm also concerned that RPM's and RH may go
away in the near future.

Lastly, I think SA is absolutely great so far, but I do find there is a lack
of material explaining how to configure it, how to alter it's default
config, flags for the local.rc for enabling/disabling features (RBL's for
instance), teaching your filters, dealing with false positives (none so
far!), logging, what are "evil rules" and general management. I'm finding a
lot by simply reading this list, but I wonder if I'm simply looking in the
wrong places?

Any help or thoughts are appreciated.


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