"Keith C. Ivey" wrote:
> One fairly easily detectable spam sign is the almost-white text
> (used to hide the irrelevant words), like this:

> > <font face="Arial"><font color="#FFFFF2">argumentation scabby
> > writhe</font>

> That should have triggered HTML_FONT_INVISIBLE, but I think
> that test has some bugs.

It certainly has a bug on my systems... I very carefully go into the
Netscape display options and set the default background colour to grey
instead of white.  <g>  It's easier on the eyes.

> Another thing that we should be checking for is stuff like
> this:

> > <A href="http://&#101;&#119;taj&#115;&#108;&#97;&#110;d&#46;&#98;&#
> > 105;&#122;/&#114;&#109;&#112;&#54;6&#53;&#49;/">Visit_to_begin_your
> > _order</A>

I got annoyed enough at a run of these reported by customers that I set
up a block of rules for these, and then a set of meta rules that
increase the score fairly significantly the more such character codes
are found- 0.1 for 1 or more, +0.7 for 4 or more, +1.7 for 10 or more,
+2.5 for 15 or more.  Along with the other rules that usually match in
such messages, this is enough to push a message over the default
threshold of 5.  The way I see it, any message using more than one or
two such encoded characters is almost certainly spam...  ;)

> There's a test for something similar, SPAM_FORM_ACTION, but it
> needs to be expanded to test for HREFs as well, as for URLs
> that are only partially HTML-escaped.

In 2.55 and 2.60 it's zeroed out in the default ruleset.  <g>  Along
with three other SPAM_FORM* rules.

I used rawbody in the rules I based my cumulative meta rules on.

<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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