You don't say how you're invoking SA from exim.  

I found (from 2.60 where terse_report is a noop) that using exim with the
exiscan patch and always adding a report (spam =nobody:true in exiscan
config) produces the misleading output you report.  To get round this you
will need either to configure a local report that is either suitably global
or else produce different reports for hams and spams.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 02 October 2003 04:01
Subject: [SAtalk] X-Spam-Report tags All messages as possible spam

Hi all -
I have  been bussy settiing up the new version of Spamassassin 2.6 and
it's utilities as suggested by the folks at   The
install seemed to go without a problem and I have not modified the
default ""

I had been running Spamassassin 2.4 for quite a while with no trouble in
connection with Sendmail.

Now, although the Spam point value is working and I only get modified
subject line when it's over threshold, each and every message comes
through with the following - this is actualy from my confirmation note
to this list which had an X-Spam-Score of 0.3  (end cropped...)
                   Spam detection software, running on the system
"", has
                   identified this incoming email as possible spam. The
original message has been
                   attached to this so you can view it ...

I am now trying to get it working with Exim 4.24, but I doubt that this
is something going on because of that.

Hope someone out there can point me in the right direction.  Much

cheers -

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