On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 10:39:09PM -0400, Paul Farber wrote:
> I have .qmail calling spamc to toss the message to a remote spamd with prefs 
> stored in a SQL db
> The username is not passed with the email.. so spamd does not know who's prefs 
> to call up, and therefore the @GLOBAL settings are used.

Try calling spamc with the "-u username" argument.  If you have an own
.qmail for each user, you can set a specific name there; if you use
a global .qmail-default, you can try "-u $RECIPIENT" to get qmails
envelope recipient.


Thomas Mechtersheimer   -   Kleeblatt  2   -   D-42119  Wuppertal   -   Germany
EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      IRC-Nick: Mechti
   Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'm mad but not ill

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