At 00:04 26/09/2003 -0500, Justin Shore wrote:

If I eliminate the SA -d call then that leaves me with only one other
CPU-draining call:  SA -r

# Report to Pyzor
:0 Wc
| /usr/bin/pyzor report

# Report to Razor
:0 Wc
| spamassassin -r

Now one thing I never thought about till just now is if my Pyzor call is
redundant.  See I don't call Pyzor from SA at all in normal mail
processing.  I only call Razor.  I assume that that SA -r only calls what
I have configured SA to use normally, correct?  I need to look into that.

That call is very CPU intensive for some reason.  You wouldn't think that
simply reporting a message to Razor would be that intensive but it is.

Any ideas for how to make this call less painful?

No, however maybe I missed something in your description, but it sounds like you're doing automated reporting to both pyzor and razor ? If you are, please don't do that, both razor and pyzor specifically ask that only spam verified by a human being as spam is submitted, they specifically don't want automated tools like SpamAssassin submitting messages without human intervention...


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