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Hello Mike,

Monday, September 22, 2003, 5:47:27 PM, you wrote:

MK> For me spam is sex, drugs/pharmacies, nigerian bank proposals, etc

Agreed.  And if your test had mentioned P...rn, V...gra, pen...ses or
brea...ts, nigerian banks and millions of dollars, that would likely have
been a good test, since it would have hit more than one spam.

The main reason I believe your test email didn't hit is because it was
too simple -- it hit one or two rules, and no others. Spammers need to
convince people to do something, and to do so they generally use a lot
more text, and a lot more variation in their text. They therefore it a
lot more rules.

It's for this reason that there's a class of spam which causes real
problems for SA 2.55 or older -- a spam which contains nothing but a
single graphic, and the spam text is all displayed within that graphic
(and nothing that can be read by SA without building in OCR

I'm hoping 2.6 and 2.7 will make some advances in identifying that

MK> For myself...I will make it so a single line of "PEN?S ENLARGEMENT"
MK> is enough to trigger as spam. For me this is the level of detection I
MK> want...I don't need 5 hits...just one. Nobody in corporate america
MK> (or any of my friends sending me personal emails or traffic from
MK> newsgroups) will EVER be sending me something like this...and if they
MK> do (sorry mom...quit forwarding me your crap/jokes/etc.!) it deserves
MK> to be deleted.

If that's the best way to handle that type of spam for your user
group, then do it!  Remember, however, that SA also needs to be viable
for the medical center which gets reasonable questions about that topic
from their clients.

I've taken a fair number of default scores and bumped them up myself,
notably (my threshold is 9):
> score  FAKED_UNDISC_RECIPS            6.00
> score  FORGED_RCVD_TRAIL              7.00
> score  FROM_OFFERS                    5.00
> score  HGH                            9.44 (yes, over my threshold!)
> score  MICROSOFT_EXECUTABLE           15.00
> score  NIGERIAN_BODY                  9.10
> score  PENIS_ENLARGE                  5.00
> score  PENIS_ENLARGE2                 5.00
> score  RATWARE_EGROUPS                9.43
> score  REVERSE_AGING                  6.21
> score  WITH_LC_SMTP                   6.25

Over time I modified over 100 scores, but these are the biggies.

Bob Menschel

Version: PGP 8.0


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