At 9/22/03 04:43 PM , Darren Madams wrote:

Philosophical question #3: One of the things I liked about SpamBouncer was feeding it your legitimate email addresses and mailing list addresses and then it would consider items sent TO those (missing or specifically there) in the overall scoring. I don't think SA offers anything like that... it's not whitelisting (since that's From:), and it fails on BCCs (hence the need for positive weighting of other factors)... would be nice to have?

Take a look at the whitelist_to configuration option.

                                                --Kai MacTane
"There is no faith in which to hide; even truth is filled with lies.
 Doubting angels fall to walk among the living.
 I'm in this mood because of scorn, I'm in a mood for total war.
 To the darkened skies once more, and ever onward!"
                                                --VNV Nation,

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