Not sure if this helps but by lowering threshold (required_hits) to 4 rather
than 5, increasing FRIEND_AT_PUBLIC score FRIEND_AT_PUBLIC 3.0 and adding
filter for various attachments I don't commonly get via procmailrc:

 :0 B:
 * ^Content-Type:.*(application|audio|multipart)
 * name=.*\.(pif|mp3|src|exe)

I'm getting few if any of that microsoft crap. It's ugly but if they send
us enough, I'm hoping I can train the bayesian filters on this better.

The fact that there are several iterations out there, some basically empty
and almost looking inocuous, it looks like the monkeys are just jiggling
the doorknobs looking for which door is open...

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David Stern                                            University of Maryland
                Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

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