> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex van den Bogaerdt

> On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 12:42:15AM -0400, Larry Gilson wrote:
> > Hi Alex,
> > > in master.cf:
> > > 
> > > spamc           unix    -       n       n       -       - 
>       pipe
> > >         flags=Fq
> > >         user=spamcheck
> > >         argv=/usr/bin/spamc -x -e /usr/sbin/sendmail -i -f
> > > $sender $recipient
> > This solution is simple and probably provides the best 
> > performance of all the options.  However, it provides no error 
> > checking nor backup.  I check to see if the message passed through 
> > spamc, if not I run it through spamassassin.  And as Jim pointed 
> > out from the spamc man page, using the -e option has a slight
> > chance of loosing mail.
> Thanks for answering Larry.
> I'm under the impression that I could safely use "-e" because 
> I also use "-x":
>  "Don't use the 'safe fallback' error-recovery method, which passes
>   through the unaltered message if an error occurs. Instead, exit
>   with an error code, and let the MTA queue up the mails for a retry
>   later. "
> In other words: I expect that postfix will handle the cases 
> where spamc gets into trouble.  Are you saying this isn't true?

If my understanding is not right, I would appreciate it if someone could
correct me.  As always, I could be wrong.

My interpretation is that Postfix will deliver the message via a pipe to
spamc on STDIN.  After the message is written to spamc, Postfix considers
the message delivered and does not read a result back from spamc - which is
why reinjection by sendmail is needed.  I believe that the read portion of
this pipe is just to determine success or failure in writing the message to
spamc.  spamc will spool the message to spamd, read the resulting message
back and then pipe (-e option) the message to sendmail.  If fork-and-exec
fails in delivering to sendmail, spamc has no place to put the message and
the message will be lost.  The process of delivering to sendmail is well
beyond Postfix's ability to salvage the message and place it in the deferred
queue.  spamc will return an error message which should be logged in the
maillog but that will be just a notification.  I think that the place in
which Postfix could defer the message is if spamc could not communicate with

In the "Simple content filter limitations" section of the FILTER_README,
Wietse (or whoever the author is) outlined potential pitfalls with the shell
script that is also used by SecuritySage.  A problem, such as a memory
allocation problem, may not produce a nice exit code and could result in
bounced messages.

I think  this area makes the use of Procmail advantageous.  Procmail pipes
to spamc so it will receive messages and errors from spamc directly.
Procmail has the ability to salvage the message and continue processing.
Procmail will then deliver the message to sendmail directly rather than have
spamc or shell script deliver it.

Again, I would appreciate correction where needed.


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