I am going to be setting up a q-mail ?proxy? server in between the Internet and one of my Exchange servers. I am using qmail and qmail-scanner to handle viruses and I have other mail server that simply use q-mail, courier, SA and QSS. There is a specific need for Exchange so I am stuck with it. I would like to know if I can have per-user white/black lists in this scenario like I do with the standard q-mail server. If so how would I do it? On the standard q-mail server I use MySQL, vpopmail and SAadmin. In this scenario q-mail would be forwarding the messages to the Exchange server after they have been scanned so I do not believe that I can use SAadmin as there would be no authentication mechanism. I need an easy way for users to enter their own white/black lists. Any suggestions would be appreciated. TIA.
I am doing this for a couple of sites. I am using the qmail-scanner with the patch for 1.15 to allow per-user prefs for virtual-domains <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=642206&group_id=6
116&atid=306116> (with a few additional modifications to allow it to work for me without setting up vpopmail). I have written a php web frontend to deal with the SA prefs and used a VB script to get a list of all the usernames from my win2k Active Directory so I could make a htpasswd file for apache to authenticate against for each user (apache login is the full email address so it can be used as the username field in SA prefs database).
Messages come into the qmail servers, are run through qmail-scanner and then delivered using smtp-route entries. Have been running since April and the users couldn't be happier.
-- Random Tagline: Tuesday After Lunch is the cosmic time of the week.
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