Procmail does support Maildir format:

1999/11/22: v3.14
Support delivery to maildir mailboxes

I have installed 3.22, but I believe that I know why it is not creating the dir 
correctly, but don't know how to fix it.  Maybe someone can help.  I will also post 
this in the procmaillist.

I have added the following line to my .procmailrc file to foward the spamtagged mail 
to a different partition so a different pop process can pick up the mail.

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

I believe the reason that it is not creating the "Maildir" dir, is because the tagged 
mail that is getting fowarded to the dir, not its home.  

What I am thinking that I need to be doing is not fowarding the mail to another dir, 
but instead foward the mail to another sendmail process running on the server and let 
that sendmail process deliver the spam tagged mail to its home dir, in 
/opt/spammail/home/other/spamtestsa instead of /home/other/spamtestsa.

Does this make any sence?  The reason I posted this on this list first, was because I 
figured someone had done something like this before.



On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Simon Byrnand wrote:

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:30:40 +1200
From: Simon Byrnand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Chris Thielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Maildir, procmail, and SA

At 18:50 21/08/2003 -0500, Chris Thielen wrote:
>Procmail does support Maildir.  However, I don't think it will create the
>Maildir directories for you, if they don't exist already.

Also I think Maildir support was only added in a fairly recent procmail 
version, so if the original poster is using a fairly old version, it may 
not be supported...


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