Hi Pat, 

Thank you for giving me yours , but how do you make them active ?
I cannot find 'FEATURES' as a key word to put in the local.cf

Thank you for your help

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pat Masterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : mercredi 27 août 2003 19:15
À : Céline REDON
Objet : Re: [SAtalk] RBL

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, [iso-8859-1] Céline REDON wrote:

>Hi all,
>Could anyone tell me if there is some free RBL ??

Here is my list of free ones:

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `relays.ordb.org', `Rejected - see

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `list.dsbl.org', `Rejected - see http://dsbl.org/')dnl

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `bl.spamcop.net', `"Spam blocked see:
http://spamcop.net/bl.sht ml?"$&{client_addr}')dnl

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `blackholes.easynet.nl', `"550 5.7.1 ACCESS DENIED to
<"$&f"> t hru "$&{client_name}" by easynet.nl DNSBL
(http://blackholes.easynet.nl/errors.h tml)"', `')dnl

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `proxies.blackholes.easynet.nl', `"550 5.7.1 ACCESS
DENIED to < "$&f"> thru OPEN PROXY SERVER "$&{client_name}" by
easynet.nl DNSBL (http://prox ies.blackholes.easynet.nl/errors.html)"',

FEATURE(`enhdnsbl', `dynablock.easynet.nl', `"550 5.7.1 ACCESS DENIED to
 <"$&f"> thru "$&{client_name}" by easynet.nl DynaBlock
 (http://dynablock.easynet.nl/err ors.html)"', `t', `')dnl


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