Hey Mike,

The fix is post SP2 which means it was rolled into SP3.  A vast majority of
the Exchange servers should be at least at that service pack if not SP4
which was released at the end of 2000.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Kuentz (2)

> There is always a lot of good talk here about different 
> methods for us to rack up points on SPAM, but I usually don't 
> see much about identifying HAM and applying negative points.  
> I don't know if any one is interested, but Exchange 5.5 has a 
> quirk in it where when you specify it to send a message as 
> plain text, it will send it as a multi-part mime message as 
> both HTML and plaintext, regardless.  There is a fix listed 
> in this link 
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;222508.
> Any body have any good ideas on how to combine this with
> MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE?  If I'm reading this correctly, you should never
> get a plaintext only message from an Exchange 5.5 server unless you
> have applied this fix.

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