Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Matt,

> Your problem is that when you execute spamc from exim, you are telling
> it to use a home directory of /tmp. This isn't likely the same home
> directory you have when you execute spamassassin manually.

The home_directory in exim.conf does not seem to matter.

> The bayes db is probably being yanked from /tmp/.spamassassin as a
> result, since ~/ is now /tmp/. (~/ is home)
> You can get over this in one of several ways. One way would be to
> force the bayes_path to be an absolute path, instead of
> ~/.spamassassin/bayes you could do /root/.spamassassin/bayes.  This
> would mean that SA would always use the same database no matter how
> its called.
> Or you could copy or link a bayes db up to /tmp/.spamassassin

Well, SA is run by the user mail and the logs (with enabled debugging)
have told me that SA is looking in mail's home-dir. I move the
.spamassassin to /var/mail and now it works.

But I wonder why SA does not look in each user home-dir when SA rates a
message. Exim must know the receiver of an email, thus SA must know it
as well. Why does SA only look in the home-dir of the user that has
invoked the daemon?

That does not matter on my system since I am the only user but for a

--    OpenPGP_0x4EA52583        ICQ_110543824
     (o__o)                      Ernest Hemingway:
     //\/\\        I like to listen. I have learned a great deal
     V_/\_V     from listening carefully. Most people never listen.

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