At 22:38 28/08/2003 -0700, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
Simon Byrnand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Although I don't have the answer to your question, I suggest you look at
> using the following options to reduce the various timeouts to minimize the
> chance of a "train wreck" due to things outside your control :)
> rbl_timeout
> razor_timeout
> dcc_timeout
> pyzor_timeout
> I set them all to 10 seconds to minimize backing up if there are any
> outages... you may want to go as low as 5, but if you go much lower than
> that you'll probably find tests failing when they shouldn't...

As Justin said, the timeout code is much better in 2.60 for DNSBLs.  For
Razor, DCC, and Pyzor, it's still can be rather pokey, unfortunately.

You don't really need (or even want!) to set rbl_timeout to 10 or less
in 2.60 because 10 is more like the *maximum* timeout.  It's almost
always lower in practice (the setting is 15 which means a "real" timeout
of between 5 and 10 seconds if only one blacklist is running slow).

Ok well thats good then. The original poster was talking about 2.55 mind you, and my reply was in that context...

So umm, how does the rbl_timeout setting work in 2.60 then ? I didn't quite follow the logic of what you said :) I would have previously assumed that it was just a cutoff where if an individual test took longer than that it was aborted.... but it doesn't sound like it works like that at all...

I have rbl_timeout set to 10 in 2.55 so if I should be setting it higher when I upgrade to 2.60 I'd like to have some vaugue understanding of why :)


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