We completed the GA run on the mass check results, then removed the tests in
question and ran it again.  The results were pretty much as I expected
(we're only doing set 0 right now, and the recall dropped from a little over
94% to around 91.5% after removing about 200 tests).  So far so good.

The problem we're having now is in trying to get a STATISTICS.txt and
50_scores.cf that reflect the output of the GA (the new scores and stats).

We've read the readme's and looked at the code, but can't quite piece it
together.  We tried a variety of things, including running
rewrite-cf-with-new-scores, then another runGA with a command line argument
to trigger the [GA Validation Results] part, but none of the results seem
correct (the recall number in STATISTICS.txt is much lower than the one that
the GA spit out, among other things).

The other bigh issue is that the scores in statistics are not updated to
reflect the GA results.  I'm a little confused by how the correct scores are
supposed to find their way into statistics, as the freqs file seems to be
created at the beginning of the GA run and then is inserted into the
statistics file at the end (and I don't see any place that the scores in
freqs get updated to match the scores produced by the GA).

Anyway, I'm clearly missing something here.  Any help would be appreciated.


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