Bob Dickinson (BSL) writes:
> We've been running the GA on the most recent mass check results and it's
> been going for about 24 hours.  How long does thing thing typically take?
> It's incrementing some displayed count by 300 each time, with the most
> recent iteration at 16,800 (we did a test run on a small data set and it
> flew through, so we didn't really pay attention to the status as it ran
> then).
> We running on a 1.6Gh processor with 1Gb of ram (we'll turn on the second
> processor next time).

It takes *days*.  The mass-check results are a massive dataset ;)

The results are dropped periodically into a file called
"craig-evolve.scores" btw.

However you can often CTRL-C it halfway through and get useful results; it
takes a long time bumping around the "landscape" before it decides that
it's found the best results possible.


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