On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Gary Funck wrote:

> # Otherwise, just test an excerpt, and deliver spam
> # directly into big-spam.mbox.
> :0E:
> * ! ?(head -c 7500; echo ""; tail -c 7500) | spamassassin -e
> big-spam.mbox

Even that won't work, because "head -c 7500" will consume the entire
message so "tail -c 7500" will return nothing.  All that aside from the
fact that this is processing only the header, not the body.

So you really need something along the lines of

SATEMP = "/tmp/sa$$"
TRAP = "rm -f $SATEMP"

*   ? head -c 7500 > $SATEMP
*   ? (echo ""; tail -c 7500) >> $SATEMP
* ! ? spamassassin -e < $SATEMP

I experimented in the past with passing only the headers of large spams
through SA (with content-type deleted so it won't try to parse MIME).  
That was actually fairly accurate, but I stopped doing it when Bayes
came along to avoid feeding mangled messages to the auto-learner.

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