
    In our server Cobalt raq4r Spamassassin 2.55 is running  smoothly with spamc/spamd with sendmail/procmail.

     Yesterday we configured it with *mysql* database..Now  i am seeing that database is unable to connect. But database is running in a different server and it has no problem to connect from this server to db server...

     I have mentioned the database connection scripts under
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf file as follows:

user_scores_dsn                 DBI:mysql:spamassassin:<full database host name>
user_scores_sql_username        myuser
user_scores_sql_password        mypasswd
user_scores_sql_table           userpref
I did not mention any port here .....

Here is the log file showing the messages. I have mentioned here first few lines...

Aug 22 07:56:35 domain spamd[18324]: server started on port 783 (running version
Aug 22 07:56:35 domain spamd[18324]: logmsg: connection from localhost [127.0.0.
1] at port 3369
Aug 22 07:56:35 domain spamd[18324]: connection from localhost [] at po
rt 3369
Aug 22 07:56:35 domain spamd[18342]: debug: No DSN defined; skipping sql
Aug 22 07:56:35 domain spamd[18342]: logmsg: processing message <200308221456.h7
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for admin:296.
Aug 22 07:56:35 domain spamd[18342]: processing message <200308221456.h7MEuYM183
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for admin:296.
Aug 22 07:56:36 domain spamd[18342]: debug: bayes: no dbs present, cannot scan:
Aug 22 07:56:36 domain spamd[18342]: debug: running header regexp tests; score s
o far=0
Aug 22 07:56:36 domain spamd[18342]: debug: running body-text per-line regexp te
sts; score so far=1.5

Here is the *spamd* script i am showing here how i have  started the spamd...
# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0

# Source spamd configuration.
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/spamd ] ; then
        . /etc/sysconfig/spamd
        OPTIONS="-d -a -x -q -u spamall -D"

What i am missing? If anybody wants any further info i will provide...

Thanks in advance

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