are 433 celerons w 128 ram  good enough,  we have a few of them left, One already has IPCOP, so I thought one for SA  then the last one for SQUID ?
----- Original Message -----
From: Russ
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Newbie

I'd recommend baby steps.  Get linux installed and SA working as you want it.  Then
do iptables...there's a zillion places to learn it and many example scripts too.  Then
tackle content filtering.  Along with squid you'll need something that does the actual
filtering (DansGuardian - licensed, or there are several open source ones that do url
filtering).  Trying to put all this together (especially on one box - and being somewhat
of a newbie) is going to set you up for a *lot* of frustration if not failure.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Newbie

Squid proxy server can do this.  You can run it on the same box as SA, but I don't recomend it. Not unless you have some good iptable (or ipchain) rules to lock it down.
I've had a test box setup in my office running Squid for about 6 months now. I haven't touched it in 5 months! I need to clone myself to get more done.  :-)
But you're jumping into an ocean here. I know because I do it all the time. If you want to do things right, your going to suddenly have to learn:
Kernel Recompiles
IPtables or ipchains
CPAN (Not much to learn other then syntax, but still more stuff to cram into brain.)
Some MTA
Not trying to scare anyone away. But sometimes it gets overwhelming when you try to do the 'next' step and find you have to learn something else. But when you get all this free stuff running great on and old that feels good :)
Chris Santerre
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Paul Natola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Newbie

Now that i have this info,  is there any kind of Content filter  that is linux based,  if so ,
can it run on the same box as SA?
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Story
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Newbie

I would suggest using RedHat as there are many HOWTO's for using it with SA.  You can either buy the RH CD's from a retailer or download them from the Internet.



Benjamin Story

Dot Foods, Inc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Paul Natola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thursday, August 07, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Newbie


well we are tiny non-profit   40 internal  20 external email acts  (60 -total)


I also NEED to know what OS to run it under , red hat? i have used HP-UX for a few years at my old org, also where I can get the OS,


I understand red-hat is 4 cds for the OS is that what I should use or do I have other options?

----- Original Message -----

From: Ben Story

Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:03 PM

Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Newbie




It really depends on your environment.  I'm currently running a P-III 500 as my company's spam filter (2000 employees), but we're going to give it a "real server" now that its worth has been proven.



Benjamin Story

Dot Foods, Inc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Paul Natola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thursday, August 07, 2003 2:56 PM
Subject: [SAtalk] Newbie


Hi all


I'm new to  this, so bear with me,


what kind of box do I need to load spamassasin on,  and where can I get it.


Note: I already downloaded the program spamassasin, just need to know where to get the OS to utilize









  Jean-Paul Natola
  Systems Administrator
  Information Technology
  Family Care International
  588 Broadway Suite 503
New York, NY 10012
  Phone:212-941-5300 xt 36
  Fax:    212-941-5563

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