At 01:07 PM 8.20.2003 -0700, Abigail Marshall wrote:
>Hello Daniel,
>Wednesday, August 20, 2003, 9:09:09 AM, you wrote:
>DK> I am looking for documentation on how to configure
>DK> Spamassassin to delete all messages marked as spam
>DK> instead of the header change. I spoke to the partners in
>DK> company on the risk of doing this, however they have
>DK> decided to go in that direction. Can someone point me to
>DK> where I can find out how to do this.
>Are you using Spamassassin in conjunction with procmail?
>This procmail recipe, after the SA entry, will do what you
>* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
>The header will still be added, but the email will be
>deleted before anyone sees it.

Except that won't catch nearly all of the SPAMs by using only the SA
tag.... it will catch a bunch up to the threshold setting, but many of the
clever ones will get through.

It takes a combo:
MTA Sendmail access (that I use) first line of block (many blocked by this)
Spamd runs as daemon & set to block all at the threshold of choice (many
more blocked by this not on above access block)
Spamassassin blacklist
Procmail using the SA Tag as shown above
Procmail using many, many, many recipes, including its own blacklist to
catch those that slip though the above.

Those are what come to mind as a combo brick wall.

These have dropped spams down to just a handfull versus several 1000 daily
before. My users love it and are astonded at the amount of MBs & time they
had spent on managing spam before. They are all aware of a possible loss of
a good email now and then. After a couple of months, only about 3 or 4 have
needed to be recovered and forwarded to the user -- still NO losses! I
always divert the marginals to a "review" mail folder. And, as more
insurance, ALL SPAMs are placed in an archive which can be searched later
if a user realizes one may be lost....

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

Sage American

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