On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 07:09:00PM +0300, Daniel Kaliel wrote:

> I am looking for documentation on how to configure Spamassassin
> to delete all messages marked as spam instead of the header
> change.  I spoke to the partners in company on the risk of doing
> this, however they have decided to go in that direction.  Can
> someone point me to where I can find out how to do this.

SpamAssassin has very little -- well nothing -- to do with that.
Few examples: if you use postfix and call some shell script using
content_filter, you could remove the spam by removing the mail
in that shell script. If you use sendmail with MIMEDefang, you
configure MIMEDefang to quarantine the mail and perhaps run
a shell script from cron that removes mails from quarantine that
have been sitting there for a few weeks. If you use spamass-milter
with sendmail, you configure spamass-milter as explained in its
documentation and mails tagged as spam can be for example removed
or sent to other mailbox for further examination. With procmail
you'd make a procmail rule that devnulls (man procmailex should
help with that) spam.

You'll need to be a little more specific about your environment
where SA runs before anyone can give better help.

(Mr.) Hannu Liljemark  |  Appelsiini Finland Oy  |  http://appelsiini.com

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