At 03:15 PM 8.18.2003 +0200, Luca Benassi wrote:
>On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Jack L. Stone wrote:
>> Here is how I do mine for all spams, but you could easily modify to run
>> each user. Also, my script does more than just count spams, so I carved out
>> the counting portion for you. Again, just use the portion you need to do
>> the count:
>Thank you Jack, I've got the *point* out of your script but it won't do
>the job for me :(
>I need something that counts every message with spam *while* qmail (in my
>case) is delivering it in a mailbox.
>Your script would be ok for me if all the users are not checking email, or
>haven't checked email. 
>This becouse they get away their mails from the server at checking time.
>(Sorry for my english, I hope you get the idea)

Alright, but it does go by the Spam "tags". So, all you would need to do is
to extract the "spam-tagged" subjects into a catch file by user and then
use the "wc -l" to count them. Procmail would really be your friend on this
one and make it all possible via a recipe.

I send all of my tagged spams to a single file and a daily cron job runs
the entire script which give me a bunch of stats including these which I
then export to Excel for graphing....

It can be done in several convenient ways....

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

Sage American

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