I've got a server running spamassassin 2.55 with all the goodies like vpopmail 5.3.24, horde/imp for webmail, and qmailadmin 1.0.25.
Recently I started tweaking the ...qmail-default file to use maildrop to sort spam automatically in the /home/vpopmail directories, via the great suggestions of Dallas Engelken (http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/msg.php3?msg_id=8247915&list=11679 or http://spamassassin.planetmirror.com/dist/spamd/README.spamd-vpopmail).  It's worked pretty well, allowing my users to run IMAP under Outlook Express (which doesn't allow rules to sort messages on a server) and have spam filtered to an individual's folder.
The one ability I've lost is forward routing setups in qmailadmin.  Messages no longer get forwarded to another address when this is turned on.  Vacation message replies do occur successfully.
Forwarding adds the .qmail file involved the forward address and the original maildir address.  Has anyone modified Dallas' example with spamassassin to allow routing to occur?  I think it's a really simple use of maildrop for just this purpose...much easier than procmail overkill...and it takes advantage of spamd playing nicely with vpopmail.  I just wish I could also use forwarding.

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