On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 12:09:00PM +0300, Francis wrote:

> It seems that spamd is running but I receive this message
>  "unix passed to setlogogsock, but path not available at
> /usr/local/bin/spamd line 207"

That's probably the Sys::Syslog bug in perl 5.8.0 + Solaris.
There's a fix for it if you google around, but you can also
let it be and have spamd log over udp (run syslogd without -t
so the messages actually get logged).

The warning isn't dangerous, spamd will start and work fine.
It's just the logging using /dev/log directly that won't work.

(Mr.) Hannu Liljemark  |  Appelsiini Finland Oy  |  http://appelsiini.com

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