-----Original Message-----
> From: Covington, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 13 August 2003 17:39
> To: Ryan Bingham; Tom Meunier; Martin Bene
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] exchange and IMAP Public Folder messages
> Guys,
> FYI I have upgrade to Exchange 2003 and there is no longer a 
> problem with full headers being retrieved by IMAP, even if 
> some messages are "posts" in the public folders and others 
> are "notes."  And also, PR_INTERNET_CONTENT still disappears 
> on messages moved to the public folders, but it doesn't 
> affect the IMAP headers.
Does it rebuild the email like Exchange 5.5 does, or somehow manage to get
the internet content from elsewhere? (Exchange 5.5 used to rebuild everything
from its MAPI data, which meant that, for example, every single email gained
an HTML part, and the original structure was lost).

Comparing the original email with what Exchange spits out would be interesting.


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