Hi all,

RH 9, amavisd-new 06162003, Postfix 2.0.13, SA 2.55.

I've been using the wonderful script from:


I instruct users to move undetected SPAM to Public Folders.

But I've noticed that Exchange 2000 Public Folders in IMAP mode seems to
truncate mail headers, leaving (sometimes) only the last few received
headers and not all.

I first assumed this was a problem with Mail::IMAPClient and its
message_to_file call when working with Exchange.
I then used Pine to access the same message and the headers are also

So basically it's an Exchange problem when messages are pulled from
Public Folders.  This doesn't happen when IMAP accesses a user's
My questions: First, has anyone found a workaround?  Second, is it OK to
sa-learn on messages that don't have complete headers (but do have
complete bodies)?

I've attached an example of the behavior in my case.  ham1 is an email
pulled with Pine/Mail::IMAPClient and ham1.exchange is an email pulled
from Outlook.  

I guess everyone should ditch the Public Folder method... unless
Exchange 5.5 or 2003 don't have this problem.


ps - yeah, yeah I know ditch Exchange altogether ;)  That's not an
option, unfortunately

Attachment: ham1.exchange
Description: ham1.exchange

Attachment: ham1
Description: ham1

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