I am having a problem where my whole computer grinds to a halt during
the Bayes database reorganization process sometimes.  I'm running
SpamAssassin 2.55 on Linux Mandrake 8.1 on a 1.5 GHz Pentium machine
with 512 MB of RAM and it serves about 20 users.  My e-mail server is
Postfix; I'm using the daemonized version of SpamAssassin that I call
from procmail in a system-wide installation, and I'm using Cyrus.  The
computer's used mostly for e-mail, but it handles light DNS and Squid
duties too.  SpamAssassin is always run as user cyrus on the Linux
machine, so the bayes databases are in /home/cyrus/.spamassassin.  I can
reproduce this problem by running sa-learn, but it has also happened in
the normal course of a day of processing e-mail.  When the bayes
database gets to a certain size, say 32 MB, and the SA reorganizes the
database, it seems to create a bayes_toks.new file during that
reorganization.  Now as new e-mail messages come into the server, get
passed to procmail, and the spamc program gets called, I think it forks
spamd so that spamd can check the message to see if it's spam.  In most
cases, I think it detects that the bayes database is in use and it skips
the bayes-related tests, and SA runs pretty quick.  After several
messages have been processed by spamc/spamd while one of the spamd
processes is reorganizing the bayes database, invariably one or more of
the forked spamd processes starts doing something (I'm not sure what)
that takes all the processing time a process can get.  If another
message or two comes in and their spamd process runs away like this, the
machine is a goner.  It grinds to a halt and takes 5 minutes to process
each shell command that I issue.  So I usually do ps -afe, kill -9 the
bayes reorganization process and the runaway spamd processes, rm the
bayes database files, and that takes care of the problem.
Unfortunately, the bayes databases are gone so SpamAssassin is not as
good as it could be at catching spam, and everyone's frustrated because
the e-mail system was unresponsive for 1/2 hour while this was
happening.  Does anyone else have this problem?

Steve Schmidt
ConvertIt.com, Inc.
telephone: +1-517-256-1939

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