> rawbody MY_HTML_OBFU /<!?\-?\-?[a-zA-Z0-9]{8,}>|<[^pbiu]>/i
> describe MY_HTML_OBFU too long or short HTML comments
> score MY_HTML_OBFU 1.55

kay, I added a t in the [^pbiu] check since I send out newsletters with tables
in HTML format as well as receive copies of those messages. Wouldn't want those
misappropriately defined as spam for having <table> <tr> or <td> tags

> Also Spammassassin -d --lint is only going to say something if you get a
> syntax wrong. So your doing a great job if you don't get anything. That is
> what you want.

But I purposely set one of my rules to "awbody" instead of "rawbody" and --lint
didn't catch it.


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