> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Denenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 7:20 PM
> To: SA-Talk
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] custom rules with mysql -- body BUG?
> hmmm. actually this is having a problem working for body also.
>   I do however get "Checking priveleged commands in user config".

this is what you should see when allow_user_rules is set to 1.  if you
look at Conf.pm, you'll see if allow_user_rules is 0, all processing of
body, header, rawbody, uri, full, meta, test, and various others below

you would see the following two lines
dbg( ($self->{allow_user_rules} ? "Allowing":"Not allowing") . " user
dbg("Checking privileged commands in user config");

if you restart spamd and watch the debug, since the cf's are loaded once
at startup.  if you simply pipe a message through spamc after that, you
wont see those lines, but you would if you ran spamassassin instead of
spamc since it loads up the rules new everytime.

the problem is, when running via spamc/spamd calls PerMsgStatus.pm and
trying to pull body,rawbody,header,etc rules from SQL will never get
added to the body_tests hash because finish_parsing() never gets called
from PerMsgStatus.pm

finish_parsing is responsible for taking the rule type and storing it in
the appropriate hash (body_tests, meta_tests, header_tests, etc).  so
body tests that are defined in a flat file config can have their score
and descript overridden via SQL, but you cannot create a brand new
body/header test in SQL that has not been defined in a flat file.

that's all i can come up with...  maybe it's an easy fix?


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